CLM Sequoia Recreation
The Sequoia is one of nineteen National Forests in California. It takes its name from the giant sequoia, the world's largest tree, which grows in more than 30 groves on the forest's lower slopes. The Sequoia's landscape is as spectacular as its trees. Soaring granite monoliths, glacier-torn canyons, roaring whitewater, and more await your discovery at the Sierra Nevada's southern end. The Sequoia National Forest offers a huge range of outdoor recreation activities. |  CASA of Kern County
"Stand up for children, so they'll stand a chance."
2000 24th St. Suite 130
Bakersfield, CA 93301
(661) 631-2272 |  The Family Resource Center of the Kern River Valley was founded by
community and religious leaders who understand what it's like to feel lost
and alone, when all you really want is answers to questions to help you make
decisions that will last a lifetime.
We're Here To Help
5120 Lake Isabella Blvd.
Lake Isabella, CA 93240
(760) 379-8893 |